Check – Call – Care!


Motivated to learn more about CPR after a free introductory class in April, nine participants earned certification in CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), QED (Automated External Defibrillator), and First Aid after attending an all-day event on June 30 sponsored by Sea Change at Children & Youth Partnership's office in Manteo.  Certified instructor Lourdes Caballero taught the class in Spanish. Lourdes, a Sea Change advisory team member from Greenville, freely shares her time and talents with our Outer Banks Latino community.

It is often first responders who are able to keep patients in stable condition until help arrives.  CPR and First Aid training allows average people to respond to a wide assortment of emergencies including bone, joint, and muscle injuries as well as cold and heat emergencies.

These students are now better prepared to provide first responder medical assistance in their chosen professions from construction to child care.

Sea Change has additional educational classes in Spanish in the works - stay tuned!


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